Sunday, August 16, 2020

puzzle #7: plish plash (by shen bapiro)

hey guys! budding constructor shen bapiro emailed me this puzzle hoping for a guest spot, and after taking a quick glance through the file, i decided that i had to share it with you all. it's absolutely incredible, especially for his first puzzle ever!

also, i hope you guys all had a great time at lollapuzzoola yesterday!! it was my first crossword competition, and also a ton of fun. congrats to everyone involved, & im forever in awe of everyone who chose to compete downs-only, and if you're looking for more puzzles by lolla constructors, check out this post on sid sivakumar's site!

a couple words from shen:

Thanks to Ria for running my first-ever puzzle!



puzzle #10: crosswordESE (by lyle broughton)

hey guys! long time no see, which is 100% my fault. i had a really cursed puzzle ready to upload, but then my conscience appeared and told m...