Tuesday, August 25, 2020

puzzle #9: sorry to tell you, but... (by sophia maymudes)

hi!! puzzles are going to be coming a lot more sporadically from now on, but here's a really good one! when sophia (@smaymudes on twitter) first tossed this my way, i got really angry (you'll see why), and then since misery loves company i had to share it with all of you. it's actually a really really great puzzle minus one particular entry that for some reason is in the center of the puzzle. almost like sophia built the puzzle around that entry, which would be cruel and unusual, so i'm choosing to believe that it was an accident. 

if you're familiar with sophia's work, get excited, and if you're unfamiliar with sophia's work, also get excited and then do her recent puzzle on matthew stock's site, her monthly puzzles in the provincetown independent, and her past new york times work.

a couple words from sophia!

Shoutout to Ria for running this puzzle even though I know nothing about 100 gecs (and for having an amazing crossword blog - yay for indie site representation!). As you probably guessed, this puzzle was built around the central answer. Apologies in advance. 

i forgot how to read just now, so i'm still assuming the center entry was a mistake. 


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puzzle #10: crosswordESE (by lyle broughton)

hey guys! long time no see, which is 100% my fault. i had a really cursed puzzle ready to upload, but then my conscience appeared and told m...